Thursday October 10th

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We decided to go for an early morning walk along the beach as it seemed to be such a clear morning - miles better that yesterday. Indeed, it was nice and cool down by the sea. People were up and about of course, the morning joggers and shell pickers were walking up and down, but as it's October it's the low season out here, so it would undoubtedly be much busier during peak times.

The photo above showed one of the quieter moments.

We were out for a hour and by the time we got back to the apartment we were ready for some breakfast which we had sitting on the balcony.

I had another go at a balcony panoramic too.

Sunny Panorama

The sun doesn't hit our balcony until about 1pm, so up until that point we sat outside, taking some lunch before it finally got too hot for me to sit out there. I retreated indoors for a while before we both wandered down to the pool for a dip. The thermometer there said it was around 88'F when we first arrived, cooling a little to 82'F by the time we left.

Linda still hasn't had enough of the sun, so she's currently outside on the balcony again, Kindle in hand, stretched out on one of the loungers. I've gone back inside, doing the photos and preparing for what should be a very good sunset - there's not a cloud in the sky at the moment.

Actually, the best sun sets seem to be those with some clouds about, so this one could have been better.

The night, however, was spectacularly clear.

Starry Starry Night