Wednesday 14th September 2011


Just arrived at the third of our six stops. This place is in Stowe, Vermont. It's up in the low parts of the mountains. The trip up was very nice actually - although the journey was supposed to be about three hours, we took almost four with a couple of stop-offs along the way. This was made easier by the lovely vistas that you could see from some of the rest points.

View from another rest place

The foliage is just starting to turn colour - there's the odd tree that's almost red, or half yellow. I guess it's another week or so to get the full effect - but the temperature is expected to drop tomorrow, so hopefully this will speed up the turning.

Colours are appearing

I'll post some photos soon, but just now we're going off to see the nearby Ben and Jerrys factory for a, er, fact finding mission. :)


Back from the B&J visit - short but interesting and we get a tasting of a latest sample - mint with peppermint chunks.

We drive to the Ben and Jerry's Factory

Just had a quick drive back through the town - it's a nice looking place. On the way back to base, I stopped at the petrol station to fill up. This is the second time I've put petrol on the car - the first time was just over 15 gallons worth, this time... well, you can see.

Ouch - our second fill up.


Back from the Pie-casso place - it was really nice there - I had a normal pepperoni pizza, Linda has a monster sized stromboni.

Mega Stromboli