11 Sept 2022 - Sunday

The TV was split between the 21st anniversary of 9/11 and the continuation of the death of Elizabeth II. Today her coffin was being moved from the Balmoral Estate along a route to Edinburgh Castle. Tomorrow, they will move the coffin to a nearby Cathedral for 24 hours (viewable by the public). After which, it'll make its was down to London and finally reach Westminster Hall - it's due to arrive there Wednesday.

This morning, the maintenance man arrive to have a look at the AC. It didn't take him long as once he went up to the roof, he'd spotted a tripped breaker. So once flipped back on, our AC kicked back into life. Ah bliss! Although the little AC unit had tried its best, it was rather noisy and could only do one room at a time.

I'd been watching the Italian Grand Prix being shown in the UK, it was 9am start over here, so was all done before 11am.

As we were all done, we packed up some lunch and headed out to the small North Beach on the island. The weather was much happier today and the heat had returned.

As you can see above, the sotrm clouds were always in the distance. However, it was hot enough to take a dip in the sea to cool down. We've both ended up with some heavy tan/burn on our backs, despite lashings of sun cream. Linda's is a lot redder than mine. After-sun was needed there.

We returned to the apartment mid way through the afternoon and went straight into the pool for a dip for 45 minutes. Again the weather stayed dry and hot.

We decided to order ourselves a pizza for collection and to sit and watch the sunset tonight from the balcony. However, once again, the storm clouds blocked out anything. This was the site at sun down. Again a wash out.

I'm typing this at 9:35pm, outside it's totally black, with lightning every minute or so, plus the regular rumble of thunder to accompany the whoosh of that sweet sweet air conditoning indoors :) It's going to be another stormy night it seems.