Sunday 12th December 2010

[21:58 EST]

The weather was a big factor in today's goings on. It started nice enough - the sky was blue and the temperature was in the low 70's.

We travelled to Hollywood studios with the top down on the car, but soon we had to pull over and put it back up again as there were dark clouds overhead. Sure enough, it was pouring down by the time we parked up.

The early part of the day was spent dodging the rain. I went to the Hollywood Tower of Terror and the Aerosmith Ride (which was closed last time we were here). The parade went ahead, but other shows were cut short by the rain. The Indy show didn't have the last section of the show plus the big ball at the start of the show didn't appear as planned (that might have been a technical issue of course)

We stopped off in one of the fast food places to have something to eat - $9 dollars for a small pizza!!! The food prices in Disney have really gone over the top.

Towards the end of the afternoon, we wandered over to the Osborne Lights show which was as amazing as usual. It was pretty packed there of course, so we didn't hang about for long.

We stopped of at IHOP for some dinner (and paid the same for all that meal as we did for the snack in Disney).

At least the rain had dried up!