Wednesday October 24th



Just back from a cycle ride. The weather has been a little off this morning. Despite the early morning looking promising,

it soon clouded over and has threatened rain for a while now - although we've not got wet so far. As I said, we decided to go for a cycle ride - it was very warm and humid once more outside. We did a loop that was just over 6 miles long according to the GPS logger I was carrying. It also gave us a chance to photograph some of the unusual things we've seen whilst driving about the nearby area such as the old car, always parked just as we turn onto our route to the condos

Or the worrying sign just a few yards on as we cross a small bridge...

Into the unknown!

We'd seen that sign many times as we'd driven past. Thankfully there were no 'gators in the stream below. Mind you, Linda did have a small black snake cross her path as she was cycling along. As she wouldn't go back to point out it's location, we didn't get a photo op!

We returned to the apartment to have a quick bite to eat. As far as we know, the Sanibel Thriller boat is still due to leave at 3pm. It's still quite windy here, which might be the effects of Hurricane Sandy which is somewhere in the Caribbean Sea at the moment. So I'm wondering if the boat will go out today. I think there is supposed to be a 1pm outing also, so we'll keep look out to see if it passes us on it's trip around the island (it usually does). If we don't see it then we'll have to ring to confirm it's definitely going out today.


Indeed it did go. We were one of the last to arrive at the waiting point - even though we were there in plenty of time. This meant we were sitting right behind the captain at the front of the boat. Usually we're sitting right at the back, but to be honest, riding up at the front was a completely different experience as we got blasted with spray. The captain had his own special get up - face mask, tied down hat and big sun glasses.

There were lots of dolphins about - there are plenty of photos in the slideshow below.

Once back on dry land, we drove the short distance to the Lighthouse beach for a quick look around.

Back at the apartment, Linda has been running back and forward doing a light pack ready for the trip back on Saturday. I can't believe it's nearly over!