Saturday 26th July

[08:49 US]

This will be our last entry from the US most likely (unless there's cheap WIFI at JFK).

We're (Linda, actually) is finishing up the packing, looks like we'll get everything to fit OK.

As our flight is later, we will have time ot kill after the helicopter ride at 11am. Most likely, we'll visit the cinema and catch a film (X-Files opened yesterday) before we head to the airport.

[18:19 US]

Sitting in JFK awaiting the boarding call at the moment.

This morning we did our helicopter ride. But before that, on our way to the heliport, we watched a few hundred motorcyclists parade past us as part of a memorial drive past they were holding.

Once they'd passed us, we could finally cross the road to the Heliport. We'd booked a 12-15 minute ride along the Hudson River and out over the Hudson Bay area. Despite Linda being quite nervous (it's here first time in a helicopter) she seemed to enjoy it. Indeed, she's now thinking of booking a Grand Canyon trip next time we're in the area. 15 minutes to 1 hour+, quite a step up.

We caught the M50 bus back to the Times Square area and went into one of the cinemas on 42nd Street. They had 4 screens showing X-Files and we caught the 12 Noon showing. Overall, I'd give it 7 / 10 although I did rate it better than the first film.

Once back outside in the humidity (temperature was 82'F outside the hotel) we walked back down to 34th Street and popped into Maceys for some 'final' shopping. After a coffee, it was time to head back to the hotel and pick up our cases from storage.

The taxi back to JFK took slightly less than I expected and we were through check-in by 17:15.

This means we're now biding our time before we're called to the gate.

[14:35 UK (Sunday) ]

Pretty peaceful flight back home. Plane not too full thankfully. Finally managed to use one of the perks of flying Prem. Economy on Virgin - power for laptops! So that was me sorted. Which was all well and good, considering I'd left my DS card in the PC at home!

Drive home took about 70 minutes. London is quiet at 9am on a Sunday morning.
