10 Oct Wednesday

[Last Updated: 2018-10-11 07:14 EDT]

We were woken overnight a couple of times by heavy rain passing over. At 5am, I popped outside during one downpour and got a photo, for what it's worth.

The wind was very squally and each time the rain came over you could hear the wind picking up along with it.

Looking outside once the sun had risen, it's not actually too bad.

That fallen umbrella seems to be the only casualty of the weather overnight. The sea is still rough and there's a possibility of another high water level when the tide reaches its peak at 13:39 today.

As for the hurricane itself, it is still heading to the Pan Handle north of us. The rating has increased to a category four now. The weather on TV is showing it is starting to move to the right slightly, but as it's passed us now, there shouldn't be any issue for us anymore.

I popped down to the beach for a short time. I was the only one there as far as I could tell. It was difficult to judge as each end of the beach disappeared as the sand was blowing about. The wind was constand and quite strong, although not as bad as I've known it at home.

Anyone there?

The TV coverage is showing that the storm has hit land now and is a strond cat 4, touching at cat 5 (157mph). Weather is really bad there, glad it skirted away from us.

We decided that the weather here had calmed down enough to drive over to some of the nearby malls for a wander about undercover. Whilst we were in there is rained heavily again for about 10 minutes before turning showery.

Whilst walking around Target, I came across this odd set of shelves..

They really do like their Halloween season. Indeed, just around the corner was a whole section devoted to masks, costumes and other trick-or-treat accessories.

We picked up a couple of supplies for the apartment - it's odd how certain things run out so fast. Then headed back home. It was dark by the time we left and driving back along the motorway we had many lightning flashes above us, but not that much rain.

Once back in the apartment, we noticed just hot hot it was outside. It had been dark for a good hour, but outside it was still above 90'F and so, so humid too. Just glad we have a working air-con system in the apartment! It's been set at 68'F pretty much since we arrived and is always a delight to step back indoors when it's so hot outside!