Sunday 7th December 2008

Cooling down

Forecast today is for a cooler day, perhaps 10 degrees under yesterday's high 70s. We will have to pack jackets today as we plan to stay late at the Disney's Hollywood Studios (previously called MGM Studios) to see the Christmas lights show.

Before we got to the park, however, we stopped off at the WalMart that's just down the road from us. We wanted to grab a few bits for the villa - including a clothes horse. Not all clothes can be tumbled, I'm told ;)

Cold Head

Once we'd arrived at the park the first thing we noticed was the chill in the wind. This led Linda to the stand out front of the entrance. A few minutes later...

With Linda's head warming up, we headed into the park. It being a weekend, the park was busier than a week day and so we needed the fast passes to get anywhere near the rides. I picked up one for Hollywood tower of terror and Aerosmith ride. The Tower of Terror ride was OK to get into later, indeed it's a nice place to queue as the interior is very well decorated. Aerosmith, however, was a 20 minute wait after using the fastpass. Not good when the ride is only 60 seconds or so long.

Where's the parade?

The parade of Pixar characters (Toy Story, Bugs Life etc) has changed. Before we've had the "Stars in their Cars" parade - and a Christmas version of that too. This time, the parade was more of a moving show. The characters are still on floats, but the floats stop for long periods whilst the characters do a few songs. Eventually, we got to see them go past. We'd been waiting at the end, outside the 'singing' area but we still got some good shots.

We attempted to get something to eat at the park (sit down) but the fact we are not staying on Disney assured we had somewhere between zero and fat chance. Instead, we just grabbed some coffee and cake to keep up going.

Ooh - Twinkly !

Finally the sun began to set and we headed over to the Osborne Lights show. This place was very busy, as expected, but is still an amazing site. The atmosphere has complete with the 'snow' falling from the sky. The rapidly falling temperature certainly reminded us of Christmas at home.