Monday 13th December 2010

[15:51 EST]

The morning wasn't quite as frosty as I'd thought it would be, but it was close. There was a definite nip in the air and we later came across some of the gardeners covering up some of the bigger plants to keep them from getting attacked by the cold. It looked a little odd seeing plastic bags all over the plants. Odd looking plants is one thing, but one of the big news stories at the moment is the possible damage to the citrus crops in Florida... Get ready for the price of Orange Juice to go up!

We popped out to some shops in the morning. Returning to the villa at lunch to have something to eat. Eventually, we wrapped up and ventured out. It was pretty cold - the wind is still very strong and it's giving a wind chill effect.

However, that was all immaterial, as we here heading for the ICE show as we have done for the last few years.

This show was a big departure from last year - all around the poem 'twas the night before Christmas. Check out the photos in the slide show below. You can click a photo to go to the web page holding all of them.

Part two of the ICE show was a small area where you could do some snow related things - snow ball target practice, snow play area for the kids and even a snow slide that Linda decided to have a go on. It looked quite good fun, so I had a go too.

After ICE we went back outside - I swear with the wind chill it felt colder outside than it had in the exhibit!!

We drove over to Downtown Disney and had a dinner at the new (to us) T-Rex restaurant. Think 'Rainforest Cafe' but with dinosaurs :)

A quick walk around Downtown Disney after (it was too cold for anything else really) then back home to get indoors. The drive home showed the outside temperature was 40'F (4.4'C). According to the TV weather, it'll be 27'F tonight, that's -2'C. We came over here to get away from the freezing temperatures!!