Sunday 23rd

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Coming down towards Gatwick now. Estimated time to land 8:13. Our flight time has been a quick 7 hours 35 minutes. Now the sun is up we can see its very cloudy down there. The captain has just said that the temperature in London is 2'C ouch! There were 390 passengers plus crew on board Pretty Woman (same plane we flew out on).

Sun rises over the UK

OK, final descent message has been given, time to sign off.


Took almost a hour to get our cases back, which was a bummer. However, they all arrived in one piece, although one fabric case looks like it had been pushed against some rough wood as it's got lots of splinters on one edge. Maybe the check-in guys getting their own back for us arriving at the last minute!

Pretty Woman again

Picked up the car and drove back through a misty Kent. Finally over the bridge and back into Essex. The only blot on the trip back was the fact we got caught up in the Dagenham market traffic right at the last minute. Took 20 minutes to travel half a mile to home.

Everything normal at home!

Off home

Until next time!


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