Tuesday 15th December 2009

Party Time

[11:23 +1 EST]

I'm writing this tomorrow as it was a late finish yesterday.

Today was the Disney Christmas Party at Disney World. Since it's a late finishing event we didn't bother doing much in the morning. Linda made her customary Skype call back to the UK. We then just lazed in the pool for a hour or so. Linda has taken to reading her latest book in the hot tub. I hear it's cold at home!

Eventually, we made a move to leave the villa around mid afternoon. We were both suitably dressed for the event, although that did get us a couple of strange looks at traffic lights!Arrived at WDW by 4pm which meant that the park was starting to empty a little. All the rides (barring Peter Pan - what IS IT with waiting times for that ride???) seemed to be either walk on or under 20 minutes. We wandered around the park doing some of the rides. Finally, it passed 7pm and the party events started. This included a "Celebrate the Season" show on the main stage, a big firework display at 9:30pm. We also saw the Christmas parade and the man-made snow on Main Street.

Our last event was a new show in Tomorrowland that was actually quite good - and not too crowded either as it was at 11:45pm!

I did one more ride of Space Mountain - this was the first time I'd ridden this since the upgrade earlier in the year. Sadly, the upgrade wasn't helping the reliability as one side of the ride was down so I rode the Omega run twice.

We didn't get back into the villa until 1:30am so it was pretty much straight to be. We were both knackered!