Thursday 10th October 2019

On the Beach

Today was a much more pleasant day weather-wise. It was a little cooler and the humidity had gone back to normal.

So to start the day we took the chairs down to the beach for a while. Once it started getting too hot, we moved back to the pool and sat in the cool water, still reading our Kindles.

Off and away

After lunch we headed south to go to the shopping malls for a couple of hours. I picked up some new shirts and Linda got some more make-up items plus some new jeans.

Ruby Tuesday

Before returning home, we stopped at a Ruby Tuesday restaurant for dinner. This included some dessert as well.

Linda had pineapple upside down cake. I had Apple Crumble Skillet. Very nice it was too.

Up Up and Away

The photo left was taken from outside the apartment looking East. The small dot in the sky, near the centre of the photo is, I think, the ICON rocket as it was rising up into space.

This launch was postponed from yesterday after the horrible weather delayed the launch. The rocket itself was launched from an aircraft and not from the ground as is usual. We could only see it faintly as it was launched 50 miles out over the Atlantic.

It was rising upwards, but then again it might have been something else entirely. It disappeared soon after this photo was taken. News says it's now successfully reached orbit.