
I am a self confessed iProds lover...this site and all its research was put together on my iPad Air. I use an iPhone 6s constantly through out a day for all sorts of things going way beyond the function of a mere phone.

Technology is something in the 21st that we can be extremely grateful for, but like anything else, it has to be used wisely or it will just lead to laziness. Without getting too deep, if we rely on tech to take over functions of the brain, then our cognitive abilities will suffer...similarly if we let tech transport us everywhere then our physicality will suffer. So I use technology but don't abuse it to the point where I become a vegetable.

For Android users, I am sure there are excellent equivalents.

Right...lets get to it. The apps below are ones that I use the most regularly in my own Integrated Total Transformation progress.

*I stick to apps which are well of 1/5/2016 these ones are*


Awesome Notes:-

As the name suggest, this app is awesome for making notes in. The image below shows the Folders & Files system used to create ITT. I use this app extensively for everything that require a reference for whilst on-the-go. Any thought goes straight into a particular page. Taking notes is crucial for ITT to succeed, so if you don't already have an app you are used to using, try this one - it is simple, stylish and highly functional.

Awesome Notes


This app allows me to create timers for my workouts (and meditation). Customisable in every way, it provides visual and audio (vibrations too) prompts for my next interval. You can see below how I have organised my timers into an IIT group.



Perfect app for keeping track of my daily (even weekly) compliance to various protocols. In the image below you see that my Nutrition, H2O, Weights, Fitness, NEPA, Meditation and Cerebral Protocols can all be tallied up...I then transcribe those results at the start of each day to a spreadsheet so that I can monitor, over time, how compliant I have been. This one also has a widget function so it can be added to your locked screen for easy access.