



•Biological molecule consisting of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen 


•A primary source of fuel for the body


•Carbohydrates are reduced to Glucose for energy by Glycolysis

•Carbohydrates signal Insulin hormone to store fat...sugar affect...Fat burning capacity is shut down to facilitate storing influx of Glucose as Fat


•More muscle sparing than Fats during times of stress when Glucose becomes primary source of fuel e.g anaerobic exercise, injury, infection

•When body low on energy it can convert Amino Acids to Glucose...ingested Carbs prevent Protein Oxidation by supplying readily available source of energy

•Prevents Catabolic effect of Cortisol by activating Insulin release

•Anti-Lypolitic so do not aid the breakdown of Adipose Tissue

•4 calories per gram of Carbs

•3 categories...




•2 forms...

-Simple (fast release)...easily converted to Glucose (Hi-Gi)

-Complex (slow release)...less easily converted to Glucose (Low-Gi)

—More suited to replenish Glycogen Stores as do not activate Insulin


-Glucose (Mono)

-Fructose (Mono, Simple)


-Sucrose (Di, Simple)

—Sugars e.g honey

-Lactose (Di, Simple)


-Starch (Poly, Complex)

—Legumes, root vegetables e.g potato & parsnip

-Cellulose (Poly, Complex)

—Insoluble Fibre in vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds

—Non-starchy vegetables are typically flowering parts of the plant...lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers

•Consuming Carbohydrates releases Serotonin...

-Enhances calmness, improves mood, and lessens depression


•During anaerobic exercise the primary Metabolic Pathway is Glycolytic using Glucose from stored Glycogen and conversion of Amino Acids to Glucose...ingested Carbs prevents this

•Carbs best ingested 1.5-2hrs prior to workout so Glucose can enter bloodstream...have Low GI Carbs & Protein 30mins after workout to stabilise Blood Sugar levels

•Simple Carbs are digested more rapidly, leading to rapid Insulin release

•Complex Carbs are digested slowly, leading to slow Insulin release


•After following Ketogenic (low to zero carbs) for a long time the body becomes over sensitive to Carbs leading to rebound weight gain

•Carbs help maintain muscle cell volume and prevent body from signalling it is in a starved state...when cell volume is high Protein Synthesis rate increases

•Carbs should be consumed weekly to reduce negative affects placed on the Kidneys by excessive Protein Breakdown, which is released in Urine

•As a source of energy for activity, Carbohydrates are more efficient and important than Fats








•Require a manufacturing process to become edible, so cannot be eaten in their natural, unprocessed state...avoid...





-Artificial sweeteners




-Rice (white)



—Stripped of Vitamin and Mineral content


•Derived from plant sources, and include fruits, vegetables, starchy tubers and legumes...can be eaten in their natural state, and require minimal processing