Personal Bio

Why believe anything I have to say?

What...this awesome site isn't convincing you? Fair enough.

I have a lifelong love affair with physical activity in general. In school there wasn't a sport that I didn't get involved in. Plan A for my career was to be a professional goalkeeper...I didn't grow above 5'8", so that plan went out the window at aged 16 - I never did come up with a Plan B (maybe I've never grown up)...this can be a part of that perhaps.

I studied Sports Science at A-Level (1995) whilst at the same time doing a Personal Trainer qualification with The American Council on Exercise (ACE), which I retain to this day and have undertaken numerous Continued Education Credits along the way:

•Functional Training - Breaking the bonds of traditionalism

•The Essence of Bodyweight Training

•Enlighten Your Body 

•Kickboxing Training

•Pilates Mat Training

•ACE's Traditional Aerobics & Training

•Group Strength Training

•Medicine Ball for All

•Mindfull Exercise Overview for Fitness Professionals

•Empower Self-Defence

•Pro-Active Postural Restructuring

I've done what most of us do at some point or another in life...I've gotten fat!! We all have excuses for that and mine is a pretty good one. Years of manual labour suddenly turned into a sedentary desk job involving a lot of emotional stress - I spent 6 years making a documentary about human rights abuses in China:

Transmission 6-10

When filming and editing was complete, I looked down and couldn't see my feet! I'd put on 20kg of pure lard due to a very unhealthy lifestyle that snuck up on me out of seemingly nowhere. I knew where I was going wrong, but, I didn't care...I had more important things to take care of than myself.

We've all been there...our clothes get tighter, then they don't fit. No matter...we just buy some more...and the same thing happens. Something had to give before my buttons did!! So I reverted to what I knew best - hardcore training.

I was successful too because I had amassed quite a bit of equipment to play with, I lived alone and was back to doing manual labour. However, I never adjusted my appetite, nor my belief that I could out train whatever I ate (which led to me bulging in the first place) and I never cared much for nutrition; with diet being considered the last thing I'd ever do. Then I put all the fat back on again. A major contributor to this was injuries and lengthy recovery was then I realised, finally, that what I'd been told decades ago was true...body composition is 80% diet! 


What I didn't know decades ago was how easy and enjoyable the process could actually be. Now I know.


I want you to know what I know...or at least believe me when I suggest what to do to achieve your own lifestyle vision.