

•Nutrient (non essential)


•Nitrogenous Organic Acid that helps supply energy to cells

•Achieved by increasing formation of ATP


•Supplies muscle and brain with required energy


•Naturally produced by Amino Acids...







—Sunflower seeds

—Brazil nuts




•Synthesis occurs in Liver and Kidneys


•Not an essential nutrient

•95% found in skeletal muscle

•Phosphocreatine plays important role in tissues that have high, fluctuating energy demands such as muscle and brain


•During times of increased requirement, rapid ATP synthesis occurs from ADP (dormant/spent form of ATP)

•Phosphocreatine anaerobically donates a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP during the first 2 to 7 seconds following intense muscular or neuronal effort

-Excess ATP can be used during a period of low effort to convert Creatine to Phosphocreatine

—Ability to generate Phosphocreatine from excess ATP during rest, coupled with use of Phosphocreatine for quick regeneration of ATP during intense activity, means Phosphocreatine acts as high-energy reserve in a coupled reaction...energy given off from donating the phosphate group is used to regenerate the another compound (ATP)

—HIIT might induce activate this pathway


•50% of stored Creatine comes from food...probably enough in a good diet

•Good sources of Phosphate to facilitate creation of ATP...










-Cream Cheese 2tbs



•Amino Acids


•If Creatine supplement taken during HIST big gains are made...but can lead to water retention if intensity not high and controlled (to avoid injury)...taken with fruit juice (Fructose) increases Insulin level facilitating uptake by muscles