
You need to know where you are, to best determine how to get to where you want to be.


•Integrated Total Transformation


•Suggestion of tasks to be completed prior to initiating any Nutritional and/or Physical Protocol

-Cerebral Protocols can benefit from some prerequisites, but they will be mentioned within their specific files



-An appropriate nutrition plan can be created

-Current information facilitates future Manipulation strategies

-A baseline is established for future reference

-Continued compliance through motivational monitoring of measurements

-Psychological factors are considered and utilised positively


•To truly achieve Total Integrated Transformation, all Files in all Folders should be read and the information absorbed...success can still be achieved by only reading the ITT Files in each relevant folder, if knowledge of how this stuff works is deemed less important than the faith that it does actually work


-Current nutrition intake

-Food sources that are available and considered edible...preferably enjoyable

-Current body measurements (methods outlined at the end of this page)



—Waist circumference (multiple body circumferences preferable)

—Body Fat % (a bonus if reasonably easily repeated)

-Current Formula results (methods outlined at the end of this page)



-Psychological reasons for initiating an ITT Protocol and sustaining compliance


—Unrealistic goals can be highly motivating for certain individuals as it ensures a constant striving to improve and progress

—Realistic goals are psychologically manageable by most, and still lead to progress


•ITT is a science, but also an art...over time the body will change and adapt...only through monitoring progress can Manipulation strategies be put in to practice to ensure continued compliance and progress

-The most important aspect of self-initiated change, and the one thing an individual can have complete control over, are the various psychological aspects

—Knowledge of the self and the reasons why one does/doesn't do things is of extreme importance and no external influencer e.g. Trainer, Nutritionist, Friends, Family etc can affect an individual positively or negatively if self-control and determination is placed as a priority


•Accurate, but repeatable, notes and measurements should be taken before beginning ITT

•Monitoring progress highlights times of stagnation where an artistic touch must grace the science of ITT

•If future events e.g. Vacations etc are taken in to consideration, preemptive Manipulation can be initiated and a plan of circumvention can be established to ensure prior effort is not diluted or eliminated

-Alternatively, the art of acceptance can be utilised...a break can be taken and ITT initiated when a greater degree of control is available


•With diet constituting 80% of Nutrient Partitioning and Metabolism, it is of the highest importance that any Nutritional Protocol be set up correctly and adhered to

•Each individual has varying tastes, availability of ingredients and baselines from where they start in terms of BMR & BMI

-Recipes are suggestions of how Macro Nutrients can be combined for a filling and enjoyable meal

—Any of the suggested ingredients can be used in any combination (at any time of the day) so long as quantities and preparation are as stipulated

•With the suggested Macro Nutrients, adequate Micro Nutrients, Vitamins & Minerals will be supplied for the body under normal operating circumstances...especially if Feast Days include their own related suggestions

-I'm very naughty with that...always reaching for fun food instead of fruit - oops!


•Physical Protocols

•Nutritional Protocols

•Pretty much every file on here actually, because we are dealing with the mind & body





BMI (Body Mass Index):-


Weight (kg) @ 66

Divided by...

Height (m) @ 1.74 squared = 3.0276

•Resultant BMI of 21.8

•Normal Range in this example = 18.5-25

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate):-


Weight @ 66kg

Convert to LBs (66 x 2.2 = 145.2)

x10 (145.2 x10 = 1452)

xActivity Level (1452 x1.6 = 2323.2)

•Resultant BMR of 2323.2 Calories per day

•Activity levels...

-Sedentary x1.2

-Light activity x1.4

-Moderate activity x1.6

-Heavy activity x1.7




•Do not be afraid of Measuring and Monitoring...Body Alchemy takes time and trends follow an arc that can span days, weeks and months

-Only those who read and comprehend all the information contained in all Body Alchemy Protocols will understand daily (even hourly) fluctuations in Measurements and Monitoring

BMI Ranges