Best Success Strategy

The Best Success Strategy is to learn everything on this website. Then you will know more or less exactly what to do, when and how, to tune your being into that of a superhero.

Yeah...that's not gona happen really is it!

2nd Best Success Strategy:

•Know what you want to achieve and believe it is possible

-Check out Inspiration

•Have two targets in mind

-One totally unrealistic but inspirational

—Arnold Schwarzenegger

-Another that is totally achievable

—A friend perhaps

•Don't be in a hurry...transformation takes time...just make sure you continuously progress

-Things are going to slow down at some point, or even go wrong, and that is fine if your mentality from the outset isn't a stressed out "I must do this by then!"

•Read the Transformation Protocols that most closely fit your desired goals

-You then have the option of chasing various links for further information & advice

•Check out the Charts (who doesn't love colourful pictures - when will Apple release a Pop-Up ability for apps? Actually, they probably aren't far off it with the capabilities of miniature projectors and holographic technology)

-These beauties were created to take reams of related information and put it all in one place

•If you read the About page (hands up who didn't), then you should have read the Prerequisites, which has information about what needs (highly recommended) to be done before you start doing anything

Be organised and prepared

•Become obsessed with your progress to the point where nothing can get in your way...even that piece of chocolate you bought for Feast Day that is just sitting there in cupboard winking at you whenever you go in there to grab the spices

•Take it all on faith that it works (which it does 90% of the time for 90% of folk) and get on with it

-That 10%...that is when advice is needed, so go to Top Tips and see if the answer is there (maybe I should add an FAQ section - yeah...I'll do that now. Done. I'm too good to you guys and gals, so on recognising that and having stumbled, inevitably, along your progress path it might now be a good time to Support this site and offer me some change to help you change)

3rd Best Success Strategy (it might be 2nd for some of you):

•All of the above, minus the faith (it freaked you out) bit

-You've got is leading to misgivings...thoughts of boloney Spring to mind...great, you're now thinking about food in a naughty way :/ You can give up, or, make use of the Contact page

-Better still...start reading!!! Probably the answer is on this website and one of the best strategies for success is to invest time and effort into achieving your goals. If you are sciency, then that means learning. It's all here Poindexter...grab the specs (I know I know...I'm stereotyping - besides, you've possibly got contacts in) and start lookin stuff up...I've provided a veritable treasure hunt of links you can follow.

4th Best Success Strategy:

•The Fourth must be strong in you...coz I'm fresh out of strategies if you don't fit the first 3!

Bestest-Bestest Strategy:

•Don't get out of shape in the first place!

-Well that is only going to apply to the absolute just continue what you have been doing as you clearly are already very informed (or just that annoying absolute minority who seem to get away with it - damn you!!)