8.Nervous Systems!!!

[Incomplete Page...kindly ignore for now]




•Network of nerve cells and fibres which transmit nerve impulses between parts of the body


•Autonomic and Voluntary

-The 2 Autonomic Systems (SNS & PSNS) control Hormones

-CNS is involved with controlled movements


•Whilst sleeping SNS (Sympathetic Nervous System) is suppressed, so Cortisol is suppressed too...

-Upon waking and especially once breakfast is consumed then PSNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) initiates which can lead to drowsiness as digestion starts (especially heavy Carbs...a reason why Protein provides a better breakfast)

-PSNS means body is no longer burning fat for fuel but storing ingested food for fuel so hormonal reaction is dependent on what is eaten

-Internal clock is interrupted because PSNS should only be active during rest & sleep...could be why coffee makes you tired as Cortisol rise is consistent with SNS


•The two ANS operate in opposition but complimentary, not antagonistically

•Both are continuously active and sharing dominance

-Inhalation stimulates SNS

-Exhalation stimulates PSNS

—Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

—Used to test efficient functioning of the ANS...Heart Rate should noticeably adjust rhythm whilst inhaling and exhaling


•PSNS or SNS can be stimulated to be active through various controlling factors...


-Calorie control


-Calming techniques

•A balance must be struck between activating the 2 Autonomic systems...

-SNS activation for metabolism (Fat Oxidation)

-PSNS for Autophagy stimulation (health benefits)?!?!?!?




•Fasting & Feasting


CNS (Central Nervous System):-

•Consists of Brain and Spinal Cord integrating received information to coordinate and influence activity of all parts of the body

ANS (Autonomic Nervous System:-

•Regulates unconscious actions


SNS (Sympathetic Nervous System):-

•Day time Nervous System for alertness and action

•Primary role of stimulating Fight-or-Flight

-Releases stress related Hormones

—Epinephrine & Norepinephrine


•Constantly active at basic level to maintain Homeostasis 

•SNS activity increases with stimulants...



-Information overload

-21st Century lifestyles

•Activated by Fasting

-Suppressed by Feasting

—Daytime Feasting leads to poor health by suppressing SNS and associated Autography in favour of PSNS initiation

—Fasting resets Metabolic System to improve Insulin Sensitivity increased energy utilisation, hormonal balance restoration, cell repair, disease countering and ageing reduction

PSNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System):-

•Nigh time Nervous System for relaxation and energy conservation

•Regulates Rest-and-Digest/Feed-and-Breed, healing and regeneration


-Sexual arousal


-Lacrimation (tears)




•Activated by Feasting

-Meals are more efficiently digested at night in a calm PSNS Sate...but...

-PSNS State is a Fat Storing Mode

•Suppressed by Fasting 


•Disease is related to a dominant SNS because of associated stress...but Autophagy takes place during SNS

•PSNS for Autophagy stimulation (health benefits)?!?!?!?

•Internal clock is interrupted because PSNS should only be active during rest & sleep...could be why coffee makes you tired as Cortisol rise is consistent with SNS

•HRV breathing techniques?!?!?