Top Tips

Unless you are unique upon this earth, your body will react one way or another to whatever you consume and do. So, think carefully about everything you eat, drink and how much (and in what way) you all counts.


•Get to know yourself - likely, it is the only thing in the universe you stand the remotest chance of understanding fully...but the process takes brutal objective honesty! Doing so requires note taking...on everything - unless you have the brain of an uber boffin with perfect recall capacity!

-Examples of things to start off with are...

—Times of hunger and how long it lasts

—Cravings...when, what and most importantly why

—Mood changes in relation to the day, what you consume and exercise etc

•When you feel like buying a snack, just look at the calories it has and that should be enough to put you off having it when equated to exercise time & effort it would take to counterbalance.

•If you put weight on, loose it again asap as it seems to stick around for longer the longer it is allowed to stick around.

•Maintenance is just another word for stagnation, and the stage after stagnation is decline. So never be satisfied with maintenance...always be in a state of progression because decline is inevitable anyway at any given time by simple virtue of the world we live in and the lifestyles we we are only getting older (unless you happen to be Benjamin Button).

•Be fully invested...100% dedicated...obsessed. How could you achieve something so monumental as changing your physical being without such commitment?

•Be consistent. Gain momentum. Become a juggernaut towards your goals. Don't let anything, or anyone, get in your way.

•Enjoy the decision making process as it gives you ownership and control. Deciding what to eat, when and know the 'why'.

•Never feel guilty about cheating...this leads to negative feedback and often more cheating

-sometimes the happy hormones need a holiday from hibernation

-take it as a lesson learned...make notes of what happened...listen to your body. Tomorrow is another day anyway. Just don't keep making the same mistakes.

•Nutrition 90%...Exercise 80%...Sleep 70%...Exercise 60%...Snacks 50%...5-15% Feast & Fast.

-remember this mantra, stick to it and you can't go wrong.

•In a household, be the last to shower (morning and/or night) and make the most of the time waiting by getting in some exercise.

-even if it is just a Centurion Core routine or shadow boxing

•Improving efficiency in all routines, especially in the morning, frees up time for extra sleep or exercise.

•Always challenge yourself. If you ordinarily; sit, then stand...stand, then balance...remain still, then fidget...disengage the mind, then do mental gymnastics etc etc. It all counts in terms of progress and glucose (calories) usage.


•Google '(whatever food) nutrition facts' for quick results in terms of calories and Macro Nutrients content

•Be flexible in your eating plan so long as you have energy and no/resist cravings

•Most important meals and timings to get right are breakfast and dinner...lunch can be circumvented by try not to cheat at breakfast unless on Feast Day because you never know what more temptations or social engagements might crop up throughout the day

•Calories in and out count...but type of Macro in terms of timing is most important = no carbs early or late

•On Midweek Mini-Feast follow a Flexible (IIFYM) strategy to not go too overboard but still consume more than normal

-80/20% midweek Diet/Feast

-20/80% weekend Diet/Feast

•Slow down eating by not preparing the next mouthful until the current one is consumed

•Planned Feasts means no associated regret or negative thoughts, which can affect results

-Unplanned cheats should be greeted with equal positivity because Manipulation techniques can be adopted

•Take the top off the cinnamon can stand there for 10mins sprinkling, or you can dump a teaspoon or two and stir it in - the stuff weirdly just sits there on top!

•Cinnamon won't kill the calories, but it will help insulate against Insulin.

•If you are hungry, then break meals up throughout the day. Or, prepare all meals for the day in advance and snack on them throughout the day - but that would be at the expense of testosterone.

•There is a difference between being hungry and being where your threshold between the two is.

•Unless you fly solo, Feast only with friends and family.


•The body adapts...the diet must too = monitoring is the only way to map this process

•Weighing after feasting can demoralising but informative and motivational - pic your psychological preference, but know, it is all part of the plan and process.

•If the process bores you, revel in the results - track your progress and see that everything you do right is getting you to where you want to be.


•Training &/or Fasting are a great way of mitigating mass accumulation of Glycogen and/or Triglycerides on a Feast Day

•Always hold something in reserve for the end of the week. If you haven't upped your so. If you already do some more. If milky coffees are you weakness...abstain. Not training...then train! Cut calories. Anything to make a difference.

•Always leave room for progress...




-Feast & Fast Days


•Get to know yourself - likely, it is the only thing in the universe you stand the remotest chance to. Doing so requires note taking...on everything! Unless you have the brain of a boffin!

•When you feel like buying a snack, just look at the calories it has and that should be enough to put you off having it when equated to exercise time & effort. 

•If you put weight on, loose it again asap as it seems to stick around for longer the longer it is allowed to stick around.

•Maintenance is just another word for stagnation, and the stage after stagnation is decline. So never be satisfied with maintenance...always be in a state of progression because decline is inevitable anyway at any given time by simple virtue of the world we live in and the lifestyles we lead.

•Be fully invested.

•Be consistent. Gain momentum. Become a juggernaut towards your goals.

•Enjoy the decision making process as it gives you ownership and control. 

•Never feel guilty about cheating...this leads to negative feedback and often more cheating

-check hormones

-take it as a lesson learned...make notes of what happened...listen to your body. Tomorrow is another day anyway.

•Nutrition 90%...Exercise 80%...Sleep 70%...5-15% Feast & Fast.

•In a household, be the last to shower and make the most of time waiting by getting in some exercise.

•Improving efficiency as a routine, especially in the morning, frees up time for extra sleep or exercise.

•Always challenge yourself. If you ordinarily; sit, then stand...stand, then balance...remain still, then fidget...disengage the mind, then do mental gymnastics etc etc. It all counts in terms of progress and glucose (calories) usage. 


•If someone in your life inspired you, use that. Talk to them. Ask them how they achieved what you want to. 

•Name and shame yourself on social media with a before photo stating what your target is - garner the support of your friends & family.

•You trained hard, your Blood Sugar is burned deserve those cookies! But...what would 'future' you have to say about that present decision? Probably a statement of regret at missing an opportunity to progress.