Folders & Files

This all came about when I started to get bombarded with questions about how I successfully changed the way that I look. A lot of them I could answer because of my background in Sports Science, Personal Training (even my Management Science degree has come in handy) and life long interest in the human body. However, there were certain things which I had no, zip-diddly, nada response for e.g. "Why is sleep so important to weight loss?". I could conjour up a plausible explanation, but in the back of my mind I knew I needed to know. Loathsome are those who misrepresent themselves as knowledgeable, when in reality they are protecting their ego.

So...I reverted to default mode and started researching. Oh boy...there is a LOT of stuff on The Net. I was able to sift through the garbage (oh boy...there is a LOT of garbage on The Net) because of a good working knowledge across the field of the human experience, but, one thing led to another...and another...I was taken down the proverbial rabbit hole and found myself in a warren. Every direction I turned there was a new tunnel of information and knowledge to be had, and all tunnels were connected...I was stumbling on an overal picture that could be presented to those with inquisitive minds. Pictures. That was going to be my best method of presentation, so I worked on the Charts. I am obsessed (read enough of this site and you will discover that I am rather obsessive) with organisation. To make the charts, which are crazy complicated (they don't look it, but that's coz I is smart innit) I needed everything they comprise of to be readily available to me for cross-referencing and ensuring I didn't get lost in a maze of rabbit tunnelling.

I'm a spiritual kinda guy...I can take things on faith (if they fit my overriding rational of life, death, the Universe, everything in it and out of it) so long as my current knowledge base (which is constantly progressing) permits it. Most of my peers are not the faithful kind...they want reasons, and I was going to give them what they needed to succeed so they could be a happy bunny like me.


Making use of one of my favourite apps aNote (the "a" stands for really does!! Check it out in Recommended Apps), I happily got all Monica Geller and set up various Folders which could contain various related Files of information. Those Folders & Files have now been dutifully represented as the drop-down menus above.


-Key topics

—Folder title tab explains the content's relevance to progress and change


-Pages within a Folder

—Specific information on something related to the Folder title

Rocket science hey!! Lol Give me a prize!

That's not what I really need to explain on this page.....

My sub-headings & bulleting system. It is pretty straight forward but if you are going to dive down into the warren with me (it's warm and cozy...I saved you a space - we got free carrots), then you have to know the relevance of The System.

Again...rocket science it is not!

Each file follows the same format, which more or less works throughout the site - with some fudging here and there. Ummmmm fudge!


I do love a bullet - must have been a cowboy in a previous life coz I fire these bad boys off all the time.

Who wants to read more than they have to? Not me. I like information without the fluff - I am seriously fluffing out this website, but that is because I want to entertain you at the same time as informing you so that you don't think this whole thing is waaaaaayyyyy too boring to be of interest and relevance to your life.

•A key point under a topic

-Sub-point related directly to the key point above

—SubSub-point related directly to the sub-point above

-Sub-point relating back to the key point but not directly related to the subsub-point

•Next key point

*My own waffle (yum) that I haven't yet verified but think is relevant enough to not be in Notes

So there ya you know how I am thinking.

Oooo one last thing. A lot of words have a capital letter...that indicates there is a file on it somewhere but the site would look a total mess if I put links to everything. You can go to the Search this site box and find it...if it is a scarily big word e.g. Cholecystokinin, cut & paste that bad boy.

Let's put this all together by heading to Prerequisites.


Bits of information related to a single topic, represented as files, are broken down into sub-headings under their titles e.g. Insulin (which we will use as an example below). The idea is that you can easily navigate to related topics or overview subjects.


•The overall category that the topic/file comes under e.g. Hormone

-Go look up what a hormone is if you don't already know...I'm trying save you searching for hours on Google



-An overall, and succinct, representation of what the topic is

—e.g. "Anabolic Fat & Amino Acid storage/shuttling Hormone"


•What this 'thing' we are learning about actually does...its role

-e.g. "Lowers Blood Sugar level...but to levels below homeostasis, leading to Low Blood Sugar levels


•What this 'thing' is going to actually do

-e.g. "Carbohydrates signal Insulin hormone to store fat"


•Interesting bits of stand-out information

-e.g. "Levels are high in the morning as Blood Sugar levels rise through the night"


•Alomost everything can be manipulated in one way or another...and this is where we can start taking control over our bodies

-e.g. "Anabolic qualities of Insulin are of benefit in Muscle growth, so moderate levels of Insulin is beneficial"


•This section relates specifically to the topics application with dieting

-e.g. "Keep insulin levels lower at night...if consuming Carbs have more Fibre and Protein with them - lowers rate at which Carbs enter bloodstream...reduces Insulin Levels"


•Everything on this site is related to at least one other 'thing', to make things easy for you I've put a relevant list (which are links) so you can easily navigate to related topics


—Blood Sugar


—Amino Acids



•This section is currently mainly for me...stuff I am not sure about and need to do further research on, or things I am currently thinking could be true but have not verified through cross-referencing...

-e.g. "Since Insulin is Muscle Anabolic, but also Fat Storing, yet also staves off the Catabolic affect of Glucagon, and its Fat Catabolism, it is important to control Insulin through Carb cycling...taking advantage of its positives when ingested peri training"

—You can get complicated!!

There might be other titles thrown in the mix and that is because what is discussed under them isn't worthy of its own File (awwwww) but has relevance to the current topic.