



•Satiated Hormone 


•Informs brain that you are full and have adequate energy

•Produced in Adipose Tissue (Fat Cells) and suppresses appetite as level increases

•Controls and regulates Fat Cell size


•Controls Ghrelin (stomach hormone triggering hunger) and other mechanisms of metabolism


•Leptins only affected by Carbs...eating high Carb meal leads to feeling fuller for longer

•Insulin Resistance inhibits function of Leptins

•Leptin levels rise with Insulin

•After one week dieting, Leptins drop 30-50%...reduce calorie intake by only 500 per day

•Pleasure hormones (Endorphins, Opiates) override Leptin signals and lead to overeating

•Lack of sleep lowers Leptin levels 

•Fat and Protein do not affect Leptin levels

•Leptin levels rise with obesity, but Leptin Resistance takes affect...

-Leptin Resistance is linked negatively to immunity

-Leptin Resistance also reduces effectiveness of CCK and its role of satiety in consuming Proteins & Carbs

—Snacking does not allow the Liver a break from metabolising...only consume calories every 4+ hours


•Avoid High GI foods which spike Insulin and affect Leptin efficiency

•LeptinI and Insulin levels & sensitivity are positively affected by exercise (HIIT)

•Avoid drastic reductions in calories

•Cycle calorie control through high and low to prevent Hormones plateauing

•Less than 8hrs sleep negatively affects levels

•High GI Carbs should be consumed earlier in the day, initiating earlier release and longer onset of Leptins


•When body fat decreases, and/calories are restricted, Leptin Levels fall, appetite increases and metabolism slows to aid storage of Adipose Tissue

•After one week dieting, Leptins drop 30-50%

•Leptin Resistance builds from overeating 

•Just thinking of food overrides Leptins

•High amounts of Fructose increases Leptin Resistance

•Cheat meal/day high in Carbs increases Leptin Levels which are sustained for a while...High GI Carbs work best (but will affect Insulin levels)

•Leptin level increase occurs between 4-48hrs after eating

•When cycling Carbs, Fat should be kept to a minimum to not interfere with boosting Leptins






•Diet compliance is reduced when Leptin levels increase because of associated rise in hunger

-Phenomenon is circumvented by will power or Feasting Protocols

•Fat and Protein do not affect Leptin levels - positive and/or negative?!?!?!?