
Since this site is all about change, what does that actually mean?


-Verb (used with object - in this case your mind &/or body), changed, chang-ing.

To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc, of (something...someone) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone (which is probably what brought you here): to change one's name; to change one's opinion, to change the course of history (oooo now that would be impressive).

Ok...straight forward enough...what was will no longer be...what is will be in a state of flux...what will be - hmmmmmm, that might be taking us a little deeper!! We aren't ready for that, just yet!

What is the opposite of change then? Remain? Let's go with that one.


-Verb (used without object...or objection ;)

To continue in the same state; continue to be as specified: to remain at peace.

(No mention of altering the course of history this time...but the peace bit is nice)

Suffice to say, if you ain't changing, then you are staying the same.

Well, an interesting fact of life is that absolutely everything, absolutely all of the time, absolutely everywhere in the Universe, is constantly changing! So even when we think we are remaining the same, we are not...we get: older, fatter, less energetic, weaker, more decrepit, and the amazing thing is it takes absolutely zero effort on our part to achieve this - so if those things are personal goals, bugger all and I guarantee you 100% success (no refunds if you are somewhat of an anomalie in nature).

Probably not your personal goal to slowly get old and die...right?!

So what we need to do is take control of over this concept of change...own it...use it to our advantage - but how? The key is your mind. If you that doesn't change from an accepting state to a proactive state, then book a room in an Retirement Home now!