What is Integrated Total Transformation (ITT) all about?

(I was going to call it Total Integral Transformation...but the acronym would have been a bit of a booby. Giggling? If so we will get on just fine!).


(I'll take mine coated in chocolate)

Total sounds pretty all encompassing, and it is supposed to. The reality is that the Integrated part means that things can be isolated and worked on individually, in pairs, groups etc...I like to keep things flexible in life and ITT is a reflection of that. Be like bamboo...strong and upright yet able to bend to the will of the wind without breaking.

So...pick n mix...go whole hog and stuff your life with every piece of candy on display, or head straight to your favourite few - a bit of everything is my preference (though I do double up on the chocolate options!).


•Combination of Nutritional, Physical, Cerebral and Philosophical Protocols for the improvement (progression) and maintenance (not stagnation) of the Mind-Body Machine for optimum functioning

-Adherence enhances an experience of life in this physical world, having a positive effect on almost all areas of existence

—The overriding philosophy of ITT is a consideration that the body is merely a vehicle which allows and facilitates interaction with surroundings...the mind, however, is the governing computer for the body and for the experience

—Your Lifestyle Vision is what can be progressed towards...what do you want out of life? (forgetting material and most emotional desires...those may just fall in to place once your mind and body function how you wish them to - how the body looks, will be a direct result, but not necessarily the prime directive)


Everyone should endeavour to...

•Reduce Body Fat % to a comfortable level

•Improve Cardiovascular and Skeletal Systems for greater...








We are physical beings in a physical world, so why not make the most of that. 

This, ultimately, all leads to improved health of both mind and body, and when you achieve that, emotions and mental state (confidence etc) are also positively affected.


•Nutrition and Hormone rebalance (hormones play a huge role in life)

•H2O intake (it's important)

•Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids ratio adjustment

•Training various energy systems (not Chi energy...that I leave to the Masters)

•Training various cognitive functions

•Focusing mental state and attitude

•Adequate quality REM sleep

•Mind manipulation techniques to improve memory and will power etc

•Philosophical adjustments which facilitate all of the above...and more


•Partitioning of Fatty Acids into the Muscle Tissue & Glycogen Stores instead of Fat Tissue

(If you are in to sciency stuff, that will be made sense of...if not, it is just a fancy pants way of saying you get thinner)

-Macro Nutrients (food) gets broken down to simpler forms

—Protein to Amino Acids

—Carbohydrates to Glycogen

—Fat to Fatty Acids


•Nutrition manages weight (loss, maintenance, gain - fat &/or muscle) at 80% of 100% adherence, contributing to Physical and Cognitive abilities

•Physicality facilitates movement, strength and power functionality of the human body and contributes to Nutrition (Partitioning of Macro Nutrients) and Cognitive functioning

•Cognitive ability facilitates mental capacity growth & diversity and contributes to Physicality

•Philosophical is the deep stuff...some love it, others loath it, and whichever is your opinion says a lot about who you are as a person (judging neither better than the other)...however, everyone has some form philosophy governing their actions/inactions whether they realise it (or acknowledge it), and the protocols on here are merely meant to facilitate all of the above - think motivation, adherence, persistence etc.

ITT Composition