

•ITT Nutritional Protocols


•Hypercaloric ingestion of Macro and Micro Nutrients is the indulgence of calories


•Replenishes and stabilises Hormones e.g Leptins

•Increases fat loss rate over week by 25%


•Use Feasting Mode as a means to ensure diet compliance at other times by having foods to look forward to and enjoy as a reward

-Can be used as a tool to navigate social events

•If less than 10% Body Fat, Feasting twice per week is possible

-One mid-week Mini-Feast and weekend Feast

—Monthly Mega-Feast Days can be incorporated (see calendar)

•If 10-15% Body Fat, Feast every 6-12 days

•If over 15% Body Fat, Feast every 7-14 days


•Feasting suppresses SNS activity in favour of PSNS

-Prevents activation of Autophagy

-Lowers blood pressure

-Activates Biological Influencers (Craving Mode) e.g Endorphins

—Cravings must be indulged but also controlled to make psychological progress

-Corrects unbalanced psycho-physiological systems

-Restores health by stabilizing the nervous system

-Alpha waves are slowed and synchronized and Theta waves are increased, leading to a more relaxed and introspective state of awareness, a reduction in neurosis, and less focus on the superficial that normally characterize the waking state


•It is still best to abstain from the ingestion of Carbohydrates in advance of sleeping, to reduce an Insulin elevating effect

-For best results, a Slow-Carb breakfast followed by an indulgent lunch (snacking as desired depending on results to be obtained) with a Slow-Carb dinner

•Avoid consecutive Feast Days unless Fasting and/or training is also incorporated

•Healthy transformational progress can be made by increasing Calorie intake from well chosen sources

-Ensures a high quality influx of any Macro & Micro Nutrients that might be absent during Fed Mode

•Offset undesired Adipose Tissue gain by taking a 45min stroll after Feasting

-AIDS digestion and utilises calories


•Minimise calories up to Feast (Feast close to training preferred)

-If reducing Adipose Tissue is a goal, reduce ingested Fats prior to Feasting as Fat will most likely be a large part of whatever is consumed

•Drink 2-3L of water

•Must be diet compliant before & after

•Keep Fats to a minimum as high Insulin levels increase ingested Fat transportation to Adipose Tissue

-Leptin boosting is also negatively affected by Fats

•Reduce Protein intake to 1g/lb of body weight 

•Increase Calorie intake to at least maintenance level

•Increase Carb intake by 50-100%

•Hydration remains at least as normal...preferably higher







•Glycogen Depletion workout protocols to benefit from surge of Hormones and Thyroid production

(seems to contradict Lactic Acid protocols...double check!!!)


•On Feast Day...

-Train all major muscle groups...or focus on weakest muscles to take advantage of raised Leptin levels and Anabolic state

-Increase NEPA (Non-Exercise Physical Activity)

•Post Cheat Day...

-Glycogen Depletion workout protocols to benefit from surge of Hormones and Thyroid production

(seems to contradict Lactic Acid protocols...double check!!!)


—Weighted complex protocols e.g pyramids in morning

—Light 1-1.5hr walk in afternoon