Measuring & Monitoring

This page should have everything on it that you need, or could make use of, to measure and monitor your progress. Doing so is important in so many ways and it never takes very long (or genius level IQ) to do so. The various techniques are categorised into Fat, Fitness and Muscle - some Transformation Protocols will require methods from more than one, or all...each protocol directs you to what you require.


Not the nicest of words, but that is what we are dealing with here.

Where are you currently and where do you want to be? In the absence of having Skinfold Callipers to measure your current Body Fat %, check out this chart and decide which one most accurately depicts you - might be an idea to get an impartial second opinion. ;)

*If you check out the footer to this site, I reckon I transformed myself from 30% to 8% on this chart...I am aiming for 6%*

*Still being worked on*