



•One of three main Macronutrients...also known as Triglycerides...composed of Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen


•Energy storage and Hormone synthesis

•Energy production

-Glycerol is converted to Glucose, Glycogen or Ketones

•Body warmth...BAT (Brown Adipose Tissue)


•Reduced to Free Fatty Acids and Glycerol

•Fatty Acids are substrate for Testosterone synthesis (converted from Cholesterol)

•Easily stored as Adipose Tissue

•Stimulates release of CCK

•Fats take the longest of the Macro Nutrients to be digested

-Converted to Lipoproteins first to make them water soluble to be carried by the Bloodstream

-Adding Fats to a meal extends the digestion period as Fat around other Macro Nutrients has to be processed first

-Deep fried foods would be fully emerged in Fats making them the longest of all digestion foods


•Fats are higher in Carbon and Hydrogen than Carbohydrates

•Preferred source of stored energy and most efficient molecule to burn 

•Main Hormone Fats impact is Testosterone

•Insoluble in water

•Omega 3 & 6 are the only Essential Fats (not synthesised in the body)

•Consuming more Fat increases Endorphins and Galanin, leading to an increase in cravings for Fat

•Fats obtained from land animals tend to be saturated, whereas Triglycerides of fish and plants are often Polyunsaturated and present as oils

•9 calories per gram of Fat

-Yielding the most ATP per gram of the Macro Nutrients


•When calories are restricted Testosterone levels drop as body suppresses release of Anabolic Hormones to spare nutrients for energy production...but not in temporary Fasted State

•Medium-Chain Triglycerides are a more utilisable form of Fats as they behave like a Carbohydrate...sources are...

-Coconut Oil

-Whole milk


—MCTs can help in the process of excess calorie burning by promoting Fat Oxidation and reduced food intake

—Trade off is that they are Saturated Fats


•Balance of enough ingested Fats for hormone production and minimal Adipose Tissue storage

•15% to 30% of consumed calories should be Fats

•Four types of dietary Fats...

-Saturated = solid e.g meat, cheese

-Trans = fried and baked goods

-Monounsaturated = oils, nuts

-Polyunsaturated = oils, nuts and fish

•As a source of energy for activity, Fats are less efficient or important than Carbohydrates







OMEGA 3 & 6:-

•Consumed at a ratio of 1:1-4...maintaining ratio improves Nutrient Partitioning

•Omega 3 = Fish oil/fish...decreases hunger (Ghrelin suppression)

•Omega 6 = Nut Oils...if too much, appetite increases (Ghrelin rise, Leptin fall)

•Avoid seed & vegetable derived oils as they are inflammatory and lead ailments

-Processed foods are high in these oils...














-Leafy green vegetables






-Vegetable oil

-Olive oil





HDL (High-density lipoprotein):-

•Raised by...

-Decrease in Simple-Carbohydrates

-Aerobic exercise

-Weight loss

-Soluble Fibre

-Omega 3

-Decreased Trans Fats


•Used in production of...

-Vitamin D

-Testosterone & Oestrogen




-Egg yolk


LDL (Low-density lipoprotein...bad):-

•Reduced by...

-Decrease in Visceral Fat

—Linked to Autophagy

TRANS (bad):-




-Processed food


•Hydrogenation causes liquid Fats to be solidified by introducing hydrogen atoms into the open links of Fatty Acid chains

•Heating oils destroys Vitamins...Hydrogenated Fats supply empty Calories

•Hydrogenated Fats cannot become rancid (nor can they support life), and are manufactured...sources...


-Cooking Fats

-Processed cheese


-Peanut butter