



•Eating (also known as consuming) is the ingestion of food, typically to provide an organism with energy for growth and repair in order to survive 


•By definition, eating is essential to life...however...in the latter 20th century, eating regularly and excessively became readily available to the masses of the civilised world, rather than a reserve for the social elite


•Consuming food for survival is only required in quantities related to Basal Metabolic rates and Body Mass Index

-Also a function of the activity level a person is involved with


•The body does not care how delicious a food might be as its primary concern is how nutritious consumed calories are and at the correct quantities

-Consuming food beyond these requirements should be considered entertainment

•The Paleo Diet (Palaeolithic) is the closest to resembling the human ancestral heritage for consuming food

-Palaeolithic period (Stone Age) from 2.6million years to 10,000 years ago (the longest period in human history)

•The EODD (Every Other Day Diet) is a Carb-cycling variant of the Paleo Diet

•The 4HB Diet (4 Hour Body) implements much of the Paleo philosophy but considers 21st century lifestyles

•ITT is a combination of all the above and provides information on how and why diet, physical & cerebral activity and sleep should be manipulated for optimum function







•Numerous reasons why overconsumption of Calories occurs...




-Emotional (stress, depression)





—Similarly, except for over activity, the underconsumption of calories can occur


•When Calories consumed exceed Calories expended, un-utilised Glucose which has entered the Blood Stream, when Glycogen Stores (Muscle & Liver) are full, will be stored in the form of Triglycerides in Adipose Tissue for use at times of energy deficiency

•When Calories expended exceed Calories consumed for a prolonged period (over 24hrs once Glycogen Stores are depleted) the body is forced into a state of Fat Oxidation as a source of energy

-Provided Adipose Tissue and Triglycerides are available

—In their absence, and other sources e.g Ketones & Lactate are exhausted, the body will utilise Skeletal Muscle...Starvation Mode


•Fasting & Feasting

•Physical Protocols

•Macro & Micro Nutrients

•Glucose & Glycogen


•Processed vs Wholesome (natural) food

•Unhealthy example of a Western diet

-Surprisingly this family look ok on it (which is defeating my point), but who knows what is going on inside of their bodies

—Or maybe we in the West are starting to evolve

•Typical non-Western healthier diet

-Completely destroying my point, the lady on the right has a high BMI...but who knows what her activity levels are

—Hopefully you get my point over all on this page