



•The process of change in the human body due to chemical reactions

-Anabolism (Biosynthesis) is the process of building, requiring a succession of chemical reactions that constructs or synthesizes molecules from smaller components, usually requiring energy

-Catabolism is the process of breaking down, requiring a series of degradative chemical reactions that break down complex molecules into smaller units, and in most cases releasing energy



-Allows the body to grow new cells and maintain all tissues, simple molecules (monomers) to create complex ones (polymers)


-Catabolism provides energy for physical activity (cellular level to whole body movements) breaking down polymers into their constituent monomers


•Catabolism creates the energy that Anabolism requires cell growth and tissue repair

-If Catabolism produces more energy than Anabolism requires there will be excess energy, stored as Triglycerides (Body Fat) in Adipose Tissue or Glycogen in the Liver and Muscles


•Body weight is a result of Catabolism minus Anabolism

-The amount of energy released into the body (Catabolism) minus the amount of energy the body utilises (Anabolism)

•Body composition is determined by which processes are activated and their quantity, coupled with the energy sources provided

-Gaining Body Fat, Muscle and replenishing Glycogen Stores is the result of activating an Anabolic State associated with Feasting Mode

-Loosing (using) Body Fat, Muscle and Glycogen Stores is the result of activating the Catabolic States associated with Fed and Stress Modes


•Ensuring Anabolism and Catabolism are being activated in the balance required (determined by BMR) to achieve Body Composition goals is a composition of...

-Macro Nutrient intake

-Gastric Emptying timings


•Metabolic functioning is effected, beyond control, by...

-Body Composition...higher Body Fat % is more Anabolic (Fat storing)

-Age...creating a more Catabolic state (Muscle wasting) have a greater muscle mass leading to greater Catabolism of Body Fat

-Hormonal activity



—Hormonal imbalances e.g. Hypothyroidism is Anabolic

•Metabolic functioning can be controlled by...


—Macro Nutrient choices, timings and quantities

-Physical activity

—Catabolism is stimulated by the bodies requirement for energy whilst exercising, but Anabolism is required for the building of Muscle

—Adequate exercise increases Insulin sensitivity


—Both Anabolism and Catabolism take place whilst the body is at rest

—Hormones Leptin and Ghrelin (appetite) are affected by duration and quality of sleep

—Adequate sleep increases Insulin sensitivity by reducing SNS activity, increasing Cerebral activity and reducing Cortisol effects


•The primary Hormone which determines if, and how much, the body is in a Catabolic or Anabolic state is Insulin

-The primary Macro Nutrient that stimulates Insulin is Carbohydrates

•Severe caloric restriction instructs the body to alter Metabolism to utilise less energy (conservation), while at the same time storing any energy ingested

-Leads to lethargy