



•Nitrogenous organic compound with large molecules composed of Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen


•Reduced to Amino Acids for Protein Synthesis

-Slight reduction to Glucose


•Amino Acids released into bloodstream and taken up by muscle cells

•Stimulates release of Glucagon

•Stimulates release of CCK

•Produces Dopamine & Norepinephrine 

•Large amounts of, and certain Proteins e.g Beef, have an Insulin elevating response due to the Anabolic nature of Amino Acid Leucine

-Glucagon is also activated by Protein so Blood Glucose drops and hunger is not as severe


•Most important Macronutrient for maintaining muscle mass as ingested Protein spares muscle from becoming a source for Glucogenesis (Glucose synthesis)

•Dietary Protein is not as muscle sparing as Carbohydrates when used as a substrate for Glucogenesis

•Body would rather store Amino Acids than oxidise them as they produce less ATP compared to Fat or Carbohydrates = dietary Protein has a thermogenic effect on body

•4 calories per gram of Protein

•Protein is the only Macro Nutrient where Nitrogen is present alongside Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

-Excess amounts of Nitrogen are excreted in Urine


•1-2.5g of Protein per KG of body weight per meal when at a low BMI and/or training to gain muscle

•0.5-1g per KG of body weight for average person

•Nitrogen Balance is a measure for the uptake of Amino Acids by the body

-To remain Anabolic this balance must be at least in equilibrium but preferably positive

—Achieved by consuming adequate amounts of well sourced Proteins

•Useable amount of Protein a day suggested at 2g per 1kg of body weight

-Body can only absorb 5-9g of Protein per hour

—Excess amounts can be used as a source of energy or stored in Adipose Tissue


•RDA of 50g Protein

•20g of Protein minimum per meal on Slow-Carb diet

-Maximum that can be utilised per meal is 30g

—Excesses of Protein aids in curbing appetite due to release of CCK Hormone...too much Protein can lead to excess Calorie intake

•Protein is converted to Adipose Tissue less readily than Fats or Carbohydrates 




