3.Amino Acids




•Organic compound of Amino group (-NH2) and carboxy (-COOH)


•Give cells their structure

•Transportation and storage of nutrients

•Influence function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries

•Heals wounds and repairing tissue - muscle, bones, skin, hair

•Removal of waste deposits produced by metabolism

•Used to create enzymes responsible for splitting Phosphocreatine in to Phosphate and Creatine for ATP re-synthesis


•Protein consumed is broken down into individual Amino Acids...put back together as a new Protein (Biosynthesis)

•Entire Amino Acid Pool is transformed/exchanged 4 times a day...body has to be supplied with more Amino Acids (biosynthesis & ingestion)

•Used in Gluconeogenesis

-Ongoing process whereby Amino Acids contribute to Blood Sugar even if Glycogen Stores are not depleted

•When Fasting, after 16hrs Amino Acids contribute 50% to amount of Blood Glucose...after 24-28hrs it is 100%


•20% of body is Protein

•Protein plays crucial role in biological processes and Amino Acids are building blocks

-Importance of vegetarians including varied Protein in diet

•Amino Acid Pool has 130g of Amino Acids in body

•20 Amino Acids created in human genome (Proteinogen)

•250 Amino Acids do not form proteins but used to form sugar etc

•BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids), supplement for Protein Synthesis

-Three Essential Amino Acids...Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine...combined at 2:1:1 ratio to supplement high protein diet of athletes and people who train

—Best food source is Beef


•Intermittent Fasting utilises Amino Acids from Amino Acid Pools...so must be replenished by ingestion

•Amino Acids requirement dependent on age, mental/physical stress

•Essential (8) cannot be produced by body so have to be ingested (EAA)...

-Leucine (BCAA):-

—Muscle strength/growth

—Regulates blood sugar by moderating Insulin...can have an elevating effect due to its Anabolic affect

—Sources...seaweed, peas, watercress, whole grain rice, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, avocado, sesame seed, raisin, apple, olives

-Isoleucine (BCAA):-

—Produces energy and haemoglobin 

—Assists nitrogen growth in muscle cell

—Sources...almonds, oats, lentils, beans, brown rice, cabbage, spinach, sunflower/sesame seeds, quinoa, apples, kiwis

-Lysine (related to HGH):-


—Production of Carnitine

—Absorption of calcium 

—Collagen production

—Sources...beans, watercress, avocado, almonds, lentils, chickpeas

-Methonine (related to HGH):-

—Cartilage production through use of Sulfur

—Muscle growth and formation of Creatine

—Sources...Sunflower seed, Brazil nuts, oats, seaweed, wheat, whole grain rice, beans, legumes, onions, raisins, egg white, tuna, turkey, fish


—Turns in to Tyrosine...makes proteins, brain chemicals, thyroid hormones

—Produces Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Dopamine

—Sources...seaweed, beans, rice, avocado, almonds, quinoa, raisins, leafy greens, olives, seeds, berries, cheese, soybeans, beef, lamb, pork, fish, chicken, nuts, eggs, dairy, beans, and whole grains


—Heart, liver, CNS, immunity health

—Maintains balance of proteins to assist in repair, energy and growth

—Produces Glycine and Serine for connective tissue, bones, skin, hair and nails

—Helps Fatty Acid digestion in Liver

—Sources...watercress, leafy greens, sesame & sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, raisins, quinoa, wheat


—A relaxant 

—Nervous System and brain health, sleep, muscle growth, hair repair and neurotransmitter function

—Converts to Serotonin in brain creating happiness and less stress/depression

—Sources...Turkey, milk, cheese, seaweed, oats, spinach, watercress, sweet potato, beans, asparagus, leafy greens, avocado, chickpeas, onions, apples, quinoa, peas, lentils

-Valine (BCAA):-

—Muscle growth and repair...endurance and maintenance of muscle health

—Sources...beans, spinach, legumes, broccoli, sesame seed, whole grain, avocado, apples

•Semi-Essential (2) required under certain circumstances

-Arginine (related to HGH):-

—Creates Creatine

—Sources...Spinach, seaweed, turkey, watercress, tuna


•Non-Essential (10) produced by body...



-Aspartic Acid


-Glutamic Acid

-Glycine...creates Creatine


-Tyrosine...creates Dopamine & Norepinephrine

-Glutamine (related to HGH):-

—Converted to Glucose in kidney without affecting Glucagon and Insulin

—Contributes to energy supply whilst bypassing insulin-induced fat storage

—Counteracts storage of dietary fats

—Reduces cravings for sugar and alcohol

—Strengthens immune system 

—Sources...Turkey, cottage cheese, seaweed, tuna, egg white, fish, beef, chicken


•Ensure regular, diverse and balanced ingestion of Amino Acids

•Most important are L-Amino Acids

•B Vitamins and Zinc decisive for optimal effect

•B sources.....

-Yeast Extract

-Leafy green vegetables

-Whole grain

-Bean sprouts

•B3 sources.....


-Yeast extract




•B9 sources.....


-Bok Chou




•B12 sources.....

-Yeast Extract (marmite)



-Soya (women only who want to boost Oestrogen)


•Zinc sources...



-Baked beans




•Energy Pathways

•Dopamine, Epinephrine & Norepinephrine





•Amino Acids are a source of Carbon, especially when Glucose is scarce....why?!?!?

Prime Sources:-

•Can be included in Fed Mode...

-Cottage Cheese








•To include in Feast Mode...

-Meats...Beef, Pork

-Dairy...milk, cottage cheese, cheese

-Carbs...oats, wheat, quinoa, sweet potato, rice (whole grain & brown)

-Seeds...sunflower & sesame 

-Fruit...raisin, apple, olives, avocado, berries & kiwis