Dirty Dourbeards Strike Again!

Post date: Sep 19, 2015 9:59:41 AM

--By Thralin Strongfoot--

For the third time in as many weeks a dwarrow caravan has been plundered on the dwarf-road from Needlehole to Thorin's Hall by a band of cutthroat dwarven brigands known as the Dirty Dourbeards. Not only did the foul beards make away with six-hundred gold pieces worth of gems and silver and burned several of the carts, they mortally wounded three guards. Thanks to the healing hands of the herb-master of 'Abanhund (Gondamon) the guards are on the mend, yet the whole of Ered Luin seems in shock after these continued unwarranted attacks.

Brasli, son of Vrasli, head of the 'Abanhund Guard warned traders and caravan masters alike: "These four stinkers are no mere brigands, they are extremely dangerous and will attack any caravan they deem under-protected. None should be on the road without at least four guards and a scout.". When asking for the identity of the thieves master Brasli had this to say: "We know them by the name of the Dirty Dourbeards, four brothers who are former Dourhand miners that have taken to robbing Longbeard caravans in Ered Luin. It is clear their aim is gathering as much coin and gems as possible in a short window of time before heading elsewhere... I would not doubt they are willing to kill for it. We've had some close calls these past weeks. If you see them, do not approach and call any available guard".

These events could not come at a worse time, just as many caravans from various dwarven halls are heading to Needlehole for the monthly dwarf market on Thursday October 1st. Various kinships and guards have vowed to increase their guards of the region in the hope of apprehending the dangerous foursome.