Rubrics & Reviews

See list and attachments for rubrics.


Annotated bibliography: citation, summary, response

Bibliography: ten item working bibliography

Consider the following from James Raymond's book, Moves Writers Make:

The So-What Factor. What does the writer want you to know, understand, feel, or believe after reading the essay? Does the writer's interpretation of the subject earn your interest?

Beginning. What moves does the writer make to create interest at the beginning?

Ending. What moves does the writer make to give the essay a sense of an ending?

Detail. Look for examples of the writer's eye and the writer's ear at work. Look for examples of showing and telling. Look for generalizations that are not supported by specific evidence. Would the essay be improved by adding details, stories, examples, or explanations at those points?

Organization/Plot. Are the various parts of the essay arranged in a sequence that makes sense? Does the writer sustain a sense of unfinished business until the end?

Style. Name or describe the writer's best moves.

Voice/Attitude. How would you characterize the writer's attitude (angry, serious, detached, playful)? What sort of person do you imagine the writer to be? Is the voice too formal or not formal enough for the purposes of this particular essay?

Economy. Test for economy by looking for words, phrases, or details that could be omitted without being missed.

Source: Raymond, James C. Moves Writers Make. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999.