Video Clips

Video Clips:

The importance of considering audience first for film makers:

"Digital Film School Podcast 3: Target Audience" 1:36

The importance of audience for a large budget film:

60 Minutes: Web Extra: Target audience? 1:00

James Cameron on Avatar

The importance of tailoring to an audience in journalistic writing:

"GBi interview with Simran Sethi part 3: Customize Your Message for Your Target Audience" 2:28 of 5:02

How audience affects the language we use (tone):

"Audience" 1:52

complaint: friend, reporter, governor

How understanding the reader guides writing: (No longer available)

From "Writing to Get Things Done" "Understand the Reader's Needs" 2:40

How does this affect me? What do I need to do?

If I need to do something, when do I need to do it?

What are the key points? Why? How?