
size: 11'6" X 25"8"

The bombing of Guernica (April 26, 1937) was an aerial attack on the Basque town of Guernica, Spain, causing widespread destruction and civilian deaths during the Spanish Civil War.

A tapestry reproduction hangs in the United Nations building at the entrace to the security council.

January 27, 2003, the tapestry was covered with a blue banner.

Sources indicate that the tapestry was covered

at the request of journalists because it was a chaotic background

but that the tapestry was covered at the request of the presidential administration because the press coverage was related to the beginning of the Iraq war was a reason that was widely circulated.

The New Yorker cover (17 Mar. 2003) chronicled the event.

17 Mar. 2003

Image source: Wolf, Bill. "Guernica Against the War." Tableaus Vivant. n.d. Web. 13 Jul. 2014. <>.