Exercise In-text Documentation

Susan Baker states that she exercised to a raunchy song “for hours before she became aware of the lyrics" (6).

Source: introduced earlier; otherwise, how does the reader have a context for Susan Baker?

Works Cited: a text authored by Susan Baker.

The state thought that since drug use had not been a problem for the state that the legalization of marijuana would be helpful to the pipeline workers (Smith 16).

Source: introduced earlier; otherwise, how does the reader have a context for the source.

Works Cited: a text authored by Smith

I believe that the history of marijuana use since it was legalized and the new information on the drug more than justify the Alaska State legislature’s action in recriminalizing the use of this drug.

Originally, the PMRC wanted specific ratings: X for explicit lyrics, V for violence, O for occult, and D/A for drug or alcohol, along with the display of lyrics (U.S. News and World Report 19).

Source: introduced earlier; if not, should be introduced with a signal phrase.

Works Cited: a reference with no author named

Nikki Wine adds: “There’s no end to the possible combination of ways in which underage children might ‘accidentally’ hear or see objectionable material, even after ts clearly rated and labeled” (115).

Source: introduced earlier; need context for Nikki Wine.

Works Cited: a text authored by Wine

Opponents assert that deterrence is a function of a wide variety of possibilities, including the “probabilities of getting caught, convicted, sentenced ,and finally executed” (70-72).

Source: introduced earlier and used in the paragraph - without another source in between; otherwise, the reader has no source identified.

Rights of women are being violated in the new abortion ruling (Cosmopolitan 13).

Source: introduced earlier. If not, a signal phrase is needed to provide context.

Works Cited: a reference with no author named

RIAA’s Gortikov says, “you cannot substitute supervision of the record industry for supervision of the child” (qtd. in “Next: R-Rated” 20-21).

Source: introduced with an organization; however, the initials indicate that the source has been referenced earlier so that the reader knows what RIAA is.

Works Cited: a reference for "Next: R-Rated" with no author named

Over 80% of teenage individuals are sexually active (24).

Source: introduced earlier and used in the paragraph - without another source in between

A public opinion poll in Time revealed that over 69% of those polled favored a law requiring a teenager to have her parents’ consent before an abortion (Carlson 22).

According to Robert Smith, a parental notification and consent law would encourage more back alley abortions.

Becky’s father is quoted as saying, “Becky just happened to live in the wrong state (Carlson 22).

“The risks of infecting patients is overblown” a federal health official states (Byrd 20).

Researchers claim that small amounts of the compound that causes cancer in laboratory animals might cause the cancer to appear in humans (Baker 15).

Instead of bing place on the lab table, the animals are dropped onto it (Animals in Lab” 8).