
Planning 1:

First, planning begins with prewriting, and there are a number of invention techniques or strategies for generating ideas.

The purpose of prewriting

    • Getting ideas down on paper

    • Choosing from among those ideas

      • Grouping by type or kind

      • Identifying relationships

    • Formulating a position or developing a concept

      • an approach: a position, angle, or perspective

    • Making choices: What stays? What goes?

The goal

generate a vast number of ideas from which to choose\

Planning 2:

Choose the best ideas and continue to develop those

After prewriting and making initial choices, the next step is to draft a working thesis that includes the main idea and the key points of support in the order they will be discussed.

Planning 3:

Thesis: What is the paper about? What conclusion have you reached?

Begin with a working thesis then revise after organizing, again after drafting.

    • Working Thesis: Include subject of paper, main topics used for support

Revising thesis?

      • May change thesis

        • Any time in the process

      • May change support

        • Any time in the process

Planning 4: Drafting

Body: Support for the Thesis

    • Topic sentences with support for each


    • So what? What value to the reader?

    • Return to the main idea, the thesis

    • Choose a strategy


    • Choosing a strategy

See Rhetorical Situation for additional discussion.

Additional Resources for Pre-writing:

"English Prewriting Strategies." Writing Resources. English Department. Blackhills State University. 2011. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. Lists the types of prewriting options to use.


“Organizing and Prewriting.” Writing Series. Study Guides and Strategies. 2013. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. Addresses the “seven stages of writing assignments” with descriptions and exercises.
