Defining Brainstorming

Brainstorming is "a conference technique by which a group attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all the ideas spontaneously by its members" (Alex Osborn)

Brainstorming is a process designed to obtain the maximum number of ideas relating to a specific area of interest.

Brainstorming is a technique that maximizes the ability to generate new ideas.

Brainstorming is where a group of people put social inhibitions and rules aside with the aim of generating new ideas and solutions.

Brainstorming is a time dedicated to generating a large number of ideas regardless of their initial worth.

Brainstorming is a part of problem solving which involves the creation of new ideas by suspending judgment.

Brainstorming is the creation of an optimal state of mind for generating new ideas.

Brainstorming is the free association of different ideas to form new ideas and concepts.

Dictionary definitions of 'Brainstorm'

A sudden inspiration

A bright idea

A severe outburst of excitement, often as a result of a transitory disturbance of cerebral activity

A sudden mental aberration

Creative Thinking Specific thought processes which improve the ability to be creative. Being in an optimal state of mind for generating new ideas. To think deliberately in ways that improve the likelihood of new thoughts occurring. To maximize the ability of the brain to think of new ideas. The ability to think of original, diverse and elaborate ideas. A series of mental actions which produce changes and developments of thought. The process of exploring multiple avenues of actions or thoughts.

Lateral Thinking Similar to Creative Thinking. Also: Seeking to solve problems by unorthodox or apparently illogical methods. "A set of systematic techniques used for changing concepts and perceptions and generating new ones", "Exploring multiple possibilities and approaches instead of pursuing a single approach." (Edward de Bono, originator of the phrase)

Mind-maps A method of visually representing ideas and of aiding the brainstorming "free association" process. A visual method of mapping information to stimulate the generation and analysis of it. "A method of accessing intelligence, allowing rapid expansion and exploration of an idea in note form." (Tony Buzan)

"Definitions." Infinite Innovations Limited. 2008. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.