

Returns to the main point or focus of the essay: Provides a context for the position taken

Summarizes: Revisits the main points

Explains why the topic is important to the audience: Answers the question, "So what?"

Synthesizes: Draws points together, relates them to one another, provides context for reader to apply or use information


/ˈsɪnθəsɪs/ [sin-thuh-sis]

noun, plural syn·the·ses /ˈsɪnθəˌsiz/ [sin-thuh-seez]


the combining of the constituent elements of separate material or abstract entities into asingle or unified entity ( opposed to analysis, ) the separating of any material or abstractentity into its constituent elements.


a complex whole formed by combining.

Source: "synthesis."


An anecdote: If begun the introduction, the story can be completed

Speculation : Predict the future regarding the issue.

Context: Relate the topic to a larger idea.

Thought-provoking information

A quotation

A statistic

For persuasive essays, may include a call to action