Evaluating sources

The value of information is related to the credibility and reliability of the source.

First, consider the purpose of the publication and its audience.

Distinguish between popular, trade, and scholarly sources.

See Hacker & Sommers, A Writer's Reference, 7th ed. :

R2-b "Determining if a Source is Scholarly" (352).

Additional resources:

"Popular vs. Scholarly Articles: A Guide." Library Guides. ASU Libraries. Arizona State University. 2012. Web. 20 Jan. 2012.

An overview of two types of resources: popular and scholarly.

"Scholarly Resources." Research Guides. ASU Libraries. Arizona State University. Web. 20 Jan. 2012.

What is a scholarly source? Why use scholarly sources? What is peer-review? How can I tell if a source is scholarly?


"Peer Review Definition."

Scholarly publications are often peer reviewed. What does that mean?


Second, consider the reliability of the source:

See Hacker & Sommers, A Writer's Reference, 7th ed. :

R2-c "Evaluating all Sources" and "Evaluating Web Sources" (354-355).


bias of author, publication, or publisher

whether alternative views are presented objectively and addressed fairly; refuted persuasively

support used: relevant, sufficient; appeals to logic not only to emotion

fair representation of statistics; an explanation of source; a consistency with other sources

language used: biased, inflammatory

the use of assumptions; questionable use

the use of logical fallacies

Additional resources:

"Evaluating Print Sources." The Writing Center. University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, 2007. Web. 25 June 2010.

Evaluating a source means asking the right questions: What are those?


Einstein, E. "Evaluating Internet Sources." INCO 48: Information Competency &

Bibliography. Taft College. 2007. Web. 25 June 2010.

Evaluating an internet site means checking a variety of information: What things need to be reviewed?
