Comparison e-reader vs. print

electronic reader v. print book

While both a print book and an electronic book deliver text to the reader, each offers something different. (What?)

Depending on the circumstance, I prefer one over the oter, but both ... deliver an important commodity. (What?)

While differing in

While the reading experience is only slightly different, access and convenience ...

the e reader provides a choice in access and convenience, but the ...

The e reader provides a new type of reading experience: access (accessibility), convenience and

-the physical act of reading

-access to text



-make the choice


-provide a personal

-print holds a place in my heart

Because the e reader provides easy access to texts and reduced cost and space needs, the print book may seem to be about to become obsolete (on the brink of extinction), but the e reader can not replace the print book.

Because the e reader provides easy access to texts and reduced cost and space needs, the print book may seem to be on the brink of extinction (the eight track tape of reading?), but even though the e reader provides the text, it can not replace the emotional connection I have with the print book.


What is the paper topic?

What is going to be compared/contrasted?

Is the thesis a Statement Announcement

Do you ask either the questions how or what? Yes No

What is the author’s conclusion? (What point is the author making about the topic?)