
Notetaking is a means of recording information to be used to support the thesis.

Background or context

Define or explain terms or concepts

Provide evidence

Support with authority

Offer opposition position

Notes may be in the form of direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries.

All require both in-text and bibliographic citations.

Before taking notes from a source, record the information needed for a bibliographic citation so that source can be accessed again.

For all notes, record the source and page numbers.

Guidelines for Taking Notes:

Procter, Margaret. "Taking Notes from Research Reading." U of Toronto. 201o. Web. 15.Mar. 2010.

Link: < from-research>.

Procter, Margaret. "Taking Notes from Research Reading: pdf." U of

Toronto. 2010. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.

Link: <>.