A+: Student Success

Bea, Robert G. "Ten Secrets of Successful Students."


"College Readiness for the 21st Century: A Blog on College Readiness in Practice and Policy." http://edumorphology.com/collegeredi.com/?cat=5

"How Not to Be a Successful College Student." http://www.uwp.edu/departments/theatre.arts/handbook/How%20Not%20to%20Be%20a%20Successful%20College%20Student.pdf

Landersberger. Joe. "Learning as an Adult." Study Guides and Strategies. http://www.studygs.net/adulted.htm

---. "Learning and Studying Techniques." Study Guides and Strategies. http://www.studygs.net/shared/studying.htm

---. Time and Project Management Series: My Daily Schedule. Study Guides and Strategies.


Miles, J. J., Sharon Cairns, and Michael Hudson. "Seven Habits of Successful Students." Counseling Centre. University of Calgary. 2002. http://www.ucalgary.ca/counselling/academicsuccess/studyskills/sevenhabits/

Pailen, Loyce, and Linda Smelser. "Habits of Successful Students."


Parrent, Condoa M.

"Resiliency and the successful first-generation community college student: Identifying effective student support services." UNT Theses and Dissertations. http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc3630/

Simanek, Donald E. "On Being a Student." http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/goodstud.htm

"Succeed: [The Characteristics of Successful and Unsuccessful Students]"

www.uwgb.edu/uwgbSoTl/psichi/Succeed.doc (See attachment)

Yamauchi, Kent T. "Procastination: Ten Ways to Do It Now." adapted from Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book by P. A. Keller and S. R. Heyman. Counseling Center. Virginia Tech.
