Working Bibliography

A working bibliography is

  • an alphabetized list of bibliographic citations that are

  • potential sources of information.

For additional information:

"Guide: Developing a Working Bibliography." Writing@CSU Guide. Colorado State University. 2013. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. Link:

Source material may be used for one or more of the following:

      • Background or context

      • Define or explain terms or concepts

      • Provide evidence

      • Support with authority

      • Offer opposition position

Hacker & Sommers suggest that in order to "[s]elect sources worth your time and attention," scanning results is important. Consider relevance, reliability, currency.


Title and description

Date of publication

Publication type


Library Catalog: Books


Date of publication

Table of Contents - or - Index


Title, key words


Sponsor - Purpose

URL (347-350)

.com: commercial

.edu: education

.gov: governmental agencies

.org: organizations, originally non-profit but broader

.net: networks and businesses

.mil: military

.us/.uk/.ca: country

For additional suggestions on "scanning search results," see R2 (347-357).

Record the information needed for a working bibliography

Also, see attached files.

For print and library databases:

    • All authors, editors and translators

    • Title of book or article

      • For articles: Title of publication - journal, magazine or newspaper

    • Edition if other than the first

    • Publication information

      • For books - Place of publication, publisher, date of publication

      • For article - Date, volume, issue and page numbers

    • Name of database

    • Date source is retrieved

    • For easy return: A perma-link

For web sources

    • All authors, editors, and creators

    • Editor or compiler

    • Title of source

    • Title of site

    • Publication information

    • Date of publication or last update

    • Sponsor of site

    • Date accessed

    • For easy return: A URL