Topic Sentence

The topic sentence introduces the topic or subject of the paragraph and makes a statement or claim about the topic/subject that the body of the paragraph supports or proves through the use of evidence.

In an essay, the topic sentence is introducing a point of support from the thesis and clearly connects to that idea.

The topic sentence is the controlling or central idea of the paragraph.

In an essay, the topic sentence is related to and develops the essay's thesis.

"A good [topic sentence] has the following six characteristics:

  1. It introduces the topic of a paragraph without announcing it; it is an assertion, "a confident . . . statement of fact or belief" ("Assertion").

  2. It hooks the reader.

  3. It plants questions in the readers' mind.

  4. It uses thought-provoking words.

  5. It is usually the first sentence; however, it can occur anywhere in the paragraph or it can be implied.

  6. It may provide a transition from the previous paragraph.

Note: Not all topic sentences will contain every single characteristic" (Lorcher). To access Lorcher's complete article, click on the site link in Sources below

"How to Write a Great Topic Sentence"

The key: a limited subject, a precise opinion (Bonay)

"Writing Topic Sentences"

The focus of a paragraph;

[in an essay] relates to the thesis (Turner)


Bonay, Roland. "How to Write a Great Topic Sentence." EzineArticles. Web. 25 June 2010.


Note: Article is no longer posted.

Lorcher, Trent. "Lesson Plan: Writing a Good Topic Sentence: The 5 Characteristics of a Good Topic

Sentence?" Find Health, Education, Science & Technology Articles, Reviews, How-To and Tech

Tips At Bright Hub - Apply To Be A Writer Today! Brighthub, 20 Sept. 2009. Web. 25 Apr. 2010.


Turner, Dorothy. "Writing Topic Sentences." The Writing Center. Université D'Ottawa - University of

Ottawa, 16 Aug. 2007. Web. 25 June 2010.


Note: Article is no longer posted.