
Grammar is a means of describing the structure of language, the way speakers and writers construct or create meaning.

Issues related to grammar and mechanics (spelling and punctuation) can be addressed during the processes of revising and editing.

The following errors are considered to be major errors:

Subject-verb agreement

Correct use of verb tenses

Correct use of pronouns: agreement, reference, case

Sentence fragments

Run-on sentences: Comma splice and fused sentence

The links below provide information about areas that may present challenges.

For additional information:

Chapman, Tamy, and Helen Nam. "Grammar and Punctuation." Language Learning. 2017.

This is an online course, but there is a fee. This specific course began December 11.

For additional information and other courses:

Guide to Grammar and Writing. Capital Community College Foundation. 2004. Web. 20 Aug. 2010.

Shah, Dhawal. "25 Free Online Courses to Improve Your Writing Skills." 19 Aug. 2014.

While the original article was published in 2014, there are courses listed that are either currently available or available beginning in January 2018.

Titles listed:

Perfect Tenses and Modals

Adjectives and Adjective Clauses

Tricky English Grammar

English Composition I: Achieving Expertise

A Beginner's Guide to Writing in English for University Study

Write 101x: English Grammar and Style

Scribble: Writing for New Writers

Getting Started with Essay Writing

How to Write an Essay

English Grammar and Essay Writing

Advanced Writing

ColWri2.3x: Academic and Business Writing (for English Language Learners)

There are also courses in creative writing, fiction writing, and journalistic writing.

Simmons, Robin L. Grammar Bytes!: Grammar Instruction with an Attitude. 2017.

This site includes a "Daily Grammar Workout," definitions of terms, exercises, presentations, videos, and rues, as well as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and handouts for interactive exercises.