Patterns of Development

Depending on the topic and the author's purpose, the author may use a specific text pattern or mode.

authors may use more than different patterns in body paragraphs in an essay. or may use patterns for paragraphs.


uses sensory detail to support the thesis

appeals to the senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell


uses an anecdote or story to develop or support the thesis

includes introduction, plot, conflict, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion

Causal Analysis or Cause/Effect

analyzes reasons and consequences of causal relationship presented in the thesis


separates topic into parts; or groups related things into categories to develop thesis


addresses similarities or dissimilarities


explains the meaning of a term or concept in depth to develop the thesis


develops thesis by providing specific instances or examples: personal experience, typical case, hypothetical case, generalized/composite case, dramatic case, statistics, extended illustration

Process Analysis

informational, explains process, how or why something happens; directional, explains how-to;