Shiggy Meter

We’re silly, not stupid. The hares should provide information on the difficulty/danger of their trail, from a walk in the park through a trek through the jungle, so that the pack can prepare accordingly.

You should always have a whistle to help keep the pack on trail and in case of emergencies. It’s a good idea to bring a change of clothes (especially socks and shoes) for every trail because we’re hashers and sometimes there’s a mess…

Shiggy Meter:

Shiggy is hash jargon for everything that might interfere with trail, including the weather, water, undergrowth, animals, etc.

Level 1: In-town trail over streets, sidewalks, stairs, city parks, etc.

Level 2: Urban, with some off-road, but no significant mud or water.

Level 3: Some ready-made paths but also some trailblazing through wooded areas and maybe some splashing through shallow water or mud. May want to consider high socks or pants for thorn bushes and Poison Ivy!

Level 4: Mostly wooded trailblazing and/or swamp or water crossings that could be as high as an average guy’s waist. Swamp can range from murky black water to shoe-sucking, knee-high mud. Could include crawling through dense or thorny underbrush and obstacles such as fences, walls, mud, muck and possible hazards such as oyster shells and trash. Recommend high socks or pants for Poison Ivy!

Level 5: Anything goes. Could include dense underbrush, briars/thorns, obstacles, soul-sucking thigh-high mud, and water possibly above one’s head. In Level-5 shiggy, you should have a trail buddy with you at all times. Be ready to encounter Poison Ivy, ticks, and all the joys of the Appalachian woodlands!

Heat Factor:

Being in the southern US, it sometimes gets a bit warm. Take sensible precautions and stay hydrated. Light beer helps, but not as much as water.

Level 1: 75-80 degrees, recommend 1/2 quart water intake every hour

Level 2: (GREEN): 81-83 degrees, recommend 1/2 quart water intake every hour

Level 3: (YELLOW): 84-86 degrees, recommend 3/4 quart water intake every hour

Level 4: (RED): 87-89 degrees, recommend 3/4 quart water intake every hour

Level 5: (BLACK): 90 or higher (think Georgia in the summer), recommend 1 quart water intake every hour