R2H3 Trail Trash #12

TRAIL #12 Trash - Fear and Biting in Lindale!

Holy Moly! Twelve whole hashes in this little Northwestern suburb of Atlanta - well not really. More like a suburb of Appalachia!

Trail 12 brought out a small pack of just eleven intrepid hashers to see what kind of death and destruction Leaky Conch and Cream Me Up could dish out but, alas, no Cream Me Up! A last minute emergency kept him from the hash - we can add a verse to the "Why I Can't Hash Today song. Steps in t save the day? Juicy Coot! Way to go bebe!

The Hares were out on time (carrying very little cargo) and we all got to meet our newest Rome area Hasher, Virgin Hunter. Let's hope she is true to her name having had choir practice with the likes of Fart Master and others of the Chattahoochee - not so regular - H3 in Columbus.

Father Abe did his thing and we were off. The marks were sparse but the pack found chad around the school buildings and then up over a steep Lakeview Drive. A quick check 6 had us back tracking the hill and then into the shiggy. Some abandoned road let us to Mark Grove Road where we met a Hasher's nemesis - a pissed off boxer. He was able to get a chunk out of KY Confuctor's shoe but, as the old adage goes, you need only be faster than the guy beside you. Sparkle TiTs got the worst of it as she was taking it up the rear, literally! Said hound chomped on her rump leaving teeth marks and a nasty bruise.

The Hashers pressed on and up another nasty hill in the shiggy between Mark Grove Road and Reeceburg Road. It was apparent the hares had planned poorly as the chad marks became even fewer and then nearly non-existent as the pack slowed to a crawl but eventually locating the beer check. A quick chug and we were off again. Down to Silvercreek Methodist and onto the rail road track...and then some railroad tracks...and some railroad tracks! A straight shot over a mile an a half up the BUSY BUSY tracks in Lindale until an abrupt, un-marked turn lead us back into the shiggy and finally on-home at a saddle club on Donahoo Road.

Given the circumstances, Leaky and Juicy did themselves proud and everyone got in....well, almost. Seems Sparkle TiTs and DJ Limpy Cock gave up the ghost and headed back tot he start when they lost trail just before the beer check only to discover the car keys were in DJ's dry bag. Woops! No worries. We got them to the finish and down downs were consumed - many by the hares of course.

KY got honors as FRB, CBT for FBI and we welcomed NFN DeDe and Kawasukmi back as DFL.

Other mentionables:

Hares - 5lbs flour! Come on! You don't even pay!

Juicy Coot - Virgin Hare

Sparkle Tits - dog food - bitten by a boxer

NFN DD - Nerd Naming

Hugh Heifer - Tech on trail

Virgin Hunter - Screaming about some "rules"

Hares - Dog obstacle - not cool

Hares - throwing flour through a grate

We adjourned to Mellow for beers and pies as usual although the hares had to run when they learned one of their pride had crashed a scooter and banged up her knee.

So wishing the little Leakster a fast recovery as well as good health to Cream Me Up's wife. A solemn moment for the loss of The Lady In Red - the accidental founder of the Red Dress movement who we lost over the weekend.

Next hash is May 11 hared by Bella Cum On Me and KY Confuctor! Also Mismanagment is to be held at Hugh's on April 20. There will be some beer. Come out and tell us what you want to do with the Hash!

On Out

Hugh Heifer