R2H3 Trail Trash #114

R2H3 #114 Trail Trash

Twas about a week before Christmas and all through the hash

The hounds were all dreaming of going to get smashed.

The hash shoes were ready right by the door

There were beerstops planned - an entire galore

The hares said they were ready with a trail that couldn't fail

But just at that moment Kosher Kunt bailed

The day would be saved when Yes They Match said,

"I can sure help! With my hair that's so red!"

Saturday arrived and as I woke

I feared suddenly that my eye might be broke!

Off to the hospital to check on my sight

This should not happen, it just wasn't right!

But the doctor told us that it was not a worry

With a few drops my sight would return in a quick hurry!

So back to the hill we made our way

Hoping that this incident would not ruin the day.

We packed our hash bags and adorned all our gear

And ran out the door thinking of beer.

The pack all met up right behind Riverbend

This was to be the start but would not be the end.

Hugh sent off the hares with a scream and yell

The two of them told us there would be shot stops from hell!

Eight minutes had passed and the pack got ready to go,

We pushed buttons at the factory with angry old Joe.

Once ten minutes elapsed, the hounds began to move

Then two more minutes for us to get into the grove.

But it wouldn't take long and it wasn't too far

Before we crossed the road and got to a bar.

It was the Floyd Bowling Center that was the first of the stops.

We all went inside and consumed a few drops.

The hares were quickly out, off on their way

The rain seemed to cease for a clear, better day.

Between the rivers was the next check,

There were airplane bottles to quafe on a pool deck.

Then passed the clock Tower and over the hill

The next stop we found wouldn't serve swill!

Once again, the pack was off quick

A sketch RV we'd find and jello to lick.

Passed the forum and then the courthouse we'd go

To a Mexican restaurant and cold Pacifico!

On Head Nurse! On Vincent! On NFN Dirk!

Hugh Heifer just ran over O & 5 with a trip and a jerk!

Finally the pack found just within sight

"Beer Near" written beneath some holiday lights!

We all made it in and the down downs were passed

The pack welcomed three virgins who were all pretty gassed.

And so the last hash of the year came to end,

We all got our cars at Riverbend.

Hugh poured himself in the front - (he wasn't that drunk)

Though he had to lock CBT up in the trunk.

And you could hear him yell as he drove out of sight,

This was a great fucking trail and a helluva night!

Thanks YTM and El Cumwiener for stepping up and laying a super fun trail. Have a safe and happy New Year everyone.

Next trail in January 8, 2022. Hope to see everyone there!

Hashing is fun! See you on Trail!